Towards an ambitious transition plan based on regulatory and standards requirements


Carbon neutrality

For more than a decade, companies have been facing an increase in environmental reporting regulations and standards. These frameworks give the opportunity to better integrate environmental issues and effectively manage the impacts of their activities.

These standards and regulations also raise compliance issues, as well as market risks for companies. They require organizations to structure and implement new reporting, validation and strategic decision-making processes.

Our vision: transforming constraints into opportunities

At Carbone 4, we believe that these normative and legal frameworks can be used by companies to build and implement an ambitious environmental strategy, and we support our customers in doing so.

Our assistance

First of all, Carbone 4 helps companies to decipher, map and situate themselves in the range of standards and regulations surrounding the issues of planetary limits, and in particular: European taxonomy, SFDR, CSRD, CS3D or CSDD, CBAM, SBTi, Act, GHG Protocol, ISO Standards, TCFD, and so on.

Subsequently, we support organizations in the process of meeting regulatory requirements by challenging the level of ambition, including:

1. For CSRD (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Standard):

  • Value chain mapping and business model description
  • Dual materiality analysis
  • Environmental ESRS gap analysis
  • Environmental ESRS reporting roadmap
  • Structuring ambitious transition plans
  • Support for underlying studies: GHG Protocol or ISO 14064 carbon footprint, environmental risk and opportunity analysis, definition of targets in line with current standards, including SBTi or others, action plan, internal carbon price, etc.

2. For the BEGES:

  • Carbon footprint according to the BEGES standard
  • Co-definition of transition plan

We also work with companies on voluntary initiatives, helping them to decipher the benefits and limitations of each one, and to implement them in practice:

  • Act Pas à Pas: an ADEME and CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project) initiative designed to provide a framework for defining a decarbonization strategy.
  • Diag Décarbon'Action: a subsidized scheme launched by BPI France and ADEME to help SMEs and ETIs measure and reduce their carbon footprint.
  • Pacte Industrie: a range of solutions offered by ADEME to support industrial companies in their energy transition.
  • SBTi Standards (Science-based Target Initative): an initiative of the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), the United Nations Global Compact, the World Resources Institute (WRI) and the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), which aims to provide a framework for defining science-based targets for business, and to validate the ambition of these targets.