July 2018

Business strategy in (and for) a decarbonised world

Authors : Hughes-Marie Aulanier, Clément Ramos

Which mechanisms explain the damage that has been caused to the planet? 

On what basis can businesses make strategic decisions in a rapidly changing world? 

How can scenario-based analysis be a powerful tool in helping businesses to perform well in the medium and long term? 

The deterioration of the planet challenges the limits of a societal model built around the mass energy consumption responsible for global warming. Making the right strategic decisions in a rapidly changing world that finds itself under duress is a real challenge for decision-makers. Scenario-based analysis is a powerful tool that can help them adapt to this new state of play, and it is this approach that we will be introducing here.

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Low-carbon strategies
Portrait of Hughes-Marie Aulanier
Hughes-Marie Aulanier
Portrait of Clément Ramos
Clément Ramos