Climate strategy: towards global carbon neutrality


Due to the impacts of human activities over the past few centuries, a large number of planetary limits have already been reached or are in the process of being reached (acidification of oceans, erosion of biodiversity, changes of soil use, global water use, etc.).

One of these limits is the concentration of CO2 and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, to which the average global temperature of Earth is linked, resulting in climate change.

Since the Paris Agreement, governments have agreed on the global temperature threshold that must not be exceeded: an average increase in global terrestrial warming of + 2°C by 2100, in comparison to 1850. This first of all involves reducing greenhouse gas emissions linked to human activities, which governments transpose at their level in the form of legal texts.

In the middle of the century, global emissions must be equal to absorptions by carbon sinks: carbon neutrality or « zero net emission ».

Global emissions of CO2 are now five times too high to hope reaching this target. It is therefore urgent to reduce our fossil fuel emissions by 5% a year, and preserve and develop forests and soils so that they absorb atmospheric carbon.

In parallel with governments and citizens, companies must also take up the challenge wholeheartedly. Their margin of manoeuvre is crucial in contributing towards limiting climate change, and each of them can do their rightful share in achieving this collective ambition.

Companies must therefore transform themselves and act to:

  • Measure the carbon footprint of their activity and in their value chain
  • Determine a 2°C strategy
  • Manage the reduction of emissions
  • Contribute to global carbon neutrality

Our assistance

Expert in sectoral energy, climate challenges and operational levers to start low-carbon transition, Carbone 4 assists its clients to formulate robust and serious climate strategies, taking the recommendations of the Net Zero Initiative reference as its basis.

I reduce my direct and indirect emissions

Carbone 4 assists you to calculate your carbon footprint. We map your direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions using recognised methodologies (GHG Protocol, ISO 14064, GHG Balance, Carbon Balance).

We assist you to calculate reduction trajectories compatible with climate science (Science-based Targets) in order to align your ambition with the Paris Agreement.

Lastly, we help you to build reduction action plans adapted to the reality of your activity.

I help my clients to decarbonize their activities

Carbone 4 assists you in the transformation of your activity in view to making it compatible with the realities and needs of a carbon neutral society.

By starting this reflection on the nature of your portfolio of products and services, you can maximise avoided emissions at your clients downstream and endow yourself with a resilient business model, compatible with tomorrow's world.

I develop carbon sinks in my value chain

Carbone 4 assists you to calculate and increase the absorption of CO2 enabled by the carbon sinks in your value chain, whether they are your own sinks or those of your suppliers or clients.

This type of service is especially well-adapted to companies with a large land footprint, agribusinesses, and industrial companies that develop carbon capture and sequestration solutions (BECCS, DACCS).

I finance transition by supporting low-carbon projects

To assist you to formulate your strategy to contribute to carbon neutrality, Carbone 4 selects the most pertinent projects for reducing or sequestering carbon for your activity.

Carbone 4 clarifies your choices from among the different types of participation, from simple purchases of labelled credits (Low carbon label, Gold Standard…) to direct investment in carbon absorption and avoided emissions projects.

Carbon neutrality

Our experts

Portrait of Hélène Chauviré
Hélène Chauviré
Senior Manager / Department leader
Portrait of Julie Daunay
Julie Daunay
Portrait of César  Dugast
César Dugast
Senior Manager / Department leader