Carbone 4 Academy

The Carbone 4 training center: pragmatic and interactive training programs to better understand and act on climate change

  • Between 15 and 20 hours of training per month
  • Eligible for OPCO funding
  • 95% of participants feel better equipped to take action in their organization in the face of climate change
Alumni of the Carbone 4 Academy in the world
Speakers from Carbone 4 teams
Years of experience in consulting and training
Qualiopi certification year

Our inter-company training courses

Fundamental CSR skills

CSRD training: decryption and implementation
Preparing your sustainability reporting

Methodological deepening

Job-specific training

Our individual courses

The Carbone 4 Academy develops training courses tailored to your specific needs:

Our Customized Training Programs

  • Support on your Training Plan: needs assessment and Skills Plan drafting
  • Development of e-learning modules
  • Professional training: purchasing, R&D, sales, marketing, executive committee, and top management...
  • Facilitated "collective intelligence" seminar to accelerate your teams' move to action

Pedagogical approach

  • Trainers who are experts in the ecological transition: we answer all your questions thanks to Carbone 4's unique experience
  • The acquisition of operational skills: practical case studies and group exercises during virtual classes with your peers
  • A simple, customised platform: access your personalised training workspace for an unlimited period of time

Finance your training with the European Social Fund (ESF+)

The European Social Fund co-finances your training actions to develop skills and secure career paths.

  • Financial assistance from the French government to help companies make the transition to a greener future.
  • For all businesses, including craftsmen and associations.
  • For all employees, except those on apprenticeship or training contracts.
  • De 50% à 70% du coût de la formation selon la taille et le CA de l'entreprise.
Illustration formation
  • Cécile Cordonnier

    Climate and Environment Project Manager at SMCP

    " If I already had a vision of the textile industrial sector, the training on carbon allows me to associate it with a **vision of the greenhouse gas emissions** on which this sector depends and therefore to **understand more quickly the objectives to be set** and the **solutions to be put in place**. This is a double benefit! "
  • Christophe Terrien

    Industrial risk expert at Ariane Group

    "The training enabled me to **understand, frame and grasp the specific codes associated with the transition** of the economic and industrial world. I was able to **build a case** through a prism that is familiar to me: that of risks. I can only invite anyone wishing to **steer a corporate climate strategy** to follow these training modules! "
  • Claire de Marchi

    Responsable RSE chez MACIF

    "I loved these courses! The training content is based on **scientific facts**, with very clear support materials. The speakers are experts in their field, and **take the time to answer all questions**. Finally, **the practical application was really valuable**: for example, applying very concretely the calculation of a carbon footprint, going into this level of detail... It showed the complexity of the work/sites to be carried out. "

Our speakers

Portrait of Jean-Marc Jancovici
Jean-Marc Jancovici
Co-founding partner of Carbone 4
Portrait of Hughes-Marie Aulanier
Hughes-Marie Aulanier
Strategy Department Manager
Portrait of Juliette Decq
Juliette Decq
Director of the Carbone 4 Academy - Climate strategy expert
Portrait of César  Dugast
César Dugast
Head of Neutrality Division
Portrait of Alexandre Florentin
Alexandre Florentin
Director of the Carbone 4 Academy - Climate strategy expert
Portrait of Violaine Lepousez
Violaine Lepousez
Head of Climate Risk Adaptation Division
Portrait of Arthur Pivin
Arthur Pivin
Head of Biodiversity Division
Portrait of Jean-Yves Wilmotte
Jean-Yves Wilmotte
Head of Finance Division