Violaine Lepousez



    • MSc Economics of Environment and Sustainable Development, EDDEE at Paristech
    • MSc in Life Sciences, INA-PG

Areas of expertise

prospective analysis
methodology development
physical risks and adaptation
climate strategy

Violaine is a Manager at Carbon 4.

An engineer and specialist in risks related to the impacts of climate change, Violaine leads the Physical Risks and Adaptation practice.

Working with industries, real estates, infrastructure managers and financial players, Violaine has developed an innovative risk assessment method CRIS and is implementing it to help economic players address these issues and encourage the implementation of resilient policies.

Committed to these subjects for 9 years, Violaine contributes to raising awareness among the general public and economic stakeholders by hosting conferences, training and discussions on innovation for adaptation to the impacts of climate change.

Before joining Carbon 4, Violaine worked on climate issues at an embassy as a cooperation attaché and COP21 focal point, at the United Nations as assistant to the director of a technical centre on climate change and at a French consulting company  as a consultant on adaptation to local authorities.

Resources by this author

ClimINVEST: "Assessing climate physical risks for financial decision makers"
24 June 2020
2017, a record year for climate
6 April 2018
OCARA methodological guide
22 September 2021
Climate change and supply chains: are we heading towards a wave of supply chain disruptions?
11 July 2022