Gildas Mevel
- Specialized Master in environmental science by École Nationale Supérieure des Mines ParisTech
- Telecommunication Engineer with double degree of TELECOM Bretagne and l’Escol Tècnica Superior de Enginyeria de Telecomunicació de Barcelona (ETSETB)
Areas of expertise
Gildas is senior manager at Carbone 4 and mostly works on climate strategies for agri-food companies. Furthermore, he develops Carbone 4 expertise in Life Cycle Analysis.
Gildas started his career in the telecommunication aera in 2009, in the Brazilian branch of a major player in the sector. Then he joined an IT consulting agency working with a great number of clients: EDF, RTE, AXA-IM, Banques Populaires, Air France, etc. In 2012, he pursued a master’s course at Mines ParisTech in environmental science. Before joining Carbone 4, Gildas has spent 8 years in a consulting agency specialized in agronomic and environmental issues where he developed ecodesign expertise and climate strategies for his clients.
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