Carbon footprint

Carbon Footprint Training, GHG Protocol & CSRD Indicators

  • 18 hours of content, 100% online
  • 1500€ before tax / person
  • Eligible for OPCO funding
  • Language: French
  • The training recommendation rate is 4,5/5*
  • *Over 67 responses collected between June 2022 and February 2023

Objectives of the training

  • Understand the issues related to your organization's carbon footprint
  • Master the concepts and the method of realizing the carbon footprint of your company
  • Be able to independently create a simple carbon footprint or participate in a carbon footprint project
  • Be able to track, manage and articulate a strategy to reduce your organization's emissions based on the carbon footprint

This training is designed for you if:

  • You are responsible for non-financial reporting in your organization.
  • You are responsible for CSR and/or climate in your organization.
  • You will work on a carbon footprint of an organization for monitoring, analysis, data collection.
  • You wish to acquire this skill for a future responsibility related to the carbon footprint of an organization.