Simon Chazel

Responsible of development


    • École polytechnique, diplôme ingénieur
    • Polytechnique Montréal, master de recherche en génie industriel

Areas of expertise

prospective analysis

Simon joined Carbone 4 in November 2020 to contribute to the development of the IF Initiative. This methodological development program, which brings together major European companies and leading academic partners, aims to design new strategic foresight tools that will help their users better anticipate the disruptions and transformations associated with energy and climate issues.

Since September 2022, he coordinates the modelling activities of the IF Initiative.

Following his engineering training at Ecole Polytechnique, Simon completed his training by participating in several academic research projects on economic issues related to the energy transition, first at Université Paris VII (Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire des Energies de Demain), then during a double degree with Polytechnique Montreal. He published a scientific article in a peer-reviewed journal and presented it in several academic conferences.