Matthieu Bardey



    • Grenoble INP – Ense3, diplôme d’ingénieur généraliste, spécialisé en Systèmes Energétiques et Marchés
    • Université Grenoble Alpes, master en Économie et Politiques de l’énergie

Areas of expertise

energy industry
climate strategy

Matthieu joined the Carbone 4 team in February 2023 as a Consultant. He assists companies in calculating their carbon footprint and their emissions reduction strategy.

He is a graduate engineer from Grenoble INP – Ense3, where he specialized in "Energy Systems and Markets" to acquire technical skills in the energy sector. He then complemented this training with a Master's degree in "Energy Economics and Policies" from Grenoble Alpes University, to integrate political and economic factors for a more global view of the ecological transition challenge.

Before joining Carbone 4, Matthieu completed an internship in agricultural methanization field. He is also a workshop animator at La Fresque du Climat, a French association whose aim is to inform the general public about the basics of climate change and its consequences.