Mathilde Lacroix

Responsible of development


    • Engineer - École polytechnique
    • Master 2 ICFP (International Center for Fundamental Physics) - ENS
    • PhD in biophysics from PSL University - Institut Curie

Areas of expertise

prospective analysis
methodology development
scientific mediation
workshop facilitation

Mathilde joined Carbone 4 in November 2022 as a development officer within the IF Initiative. As part of the team, Mathilde contributes to the development of prospective scenario narratives, notably by leading foresight workshops. She is also in charge of transcribing qualitative narratives into quantitative indicators that can be captured by the modeling tool.

Mathilde is a graduate engineer from the Ecole Polytechnique and pursued her training in academic research, notably at the Institut Curie where she completed a thesis in biophysics, at the interface between laboratory experiments, theory and numerical simulations. Mathilde also has experience in scientific mediation at the Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie on subjects relating to biology, health and the environment.