Lucie Plazen



    • Graduate of the École Polytechnique
    • MSc in mathematical modeling applied to biology from McGill University in Montreal

Lucie joined Carbone 4 in January 2023, within the modeling pole of the IF Initiative. The IF Initiative program, which brings together major European companies and leading academic partners, aims to design new strategic foresight tools that will help their users better anticipate the disruptions and transformations associated with energy and climate issues. Within the team, Lucie is working on the development of the biophysical modeling tool, and is responsible for the articulation between the scenarios developed for the 2060 horizon and the parameterization of the tool. She is in charge of implementing the transcription of qualitative indicators into quantitative variables reflecting future uses.

Lucie is a graduate engineer from the École Polytechnique, and led a 2-year research project in mathematical modeling applied to biology in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at McGill University in Montreal as part of a Master of Science degree following the engineering program. She worked on cell motility studied from the perspective of dynamical systems, and on population dynamics.