Alice Gandara

Senior Consultant


    • Bachelor's degree in environmental engineering at the Paul Sabatier University of Toulouse
    • Master's degree in environmental monitoring and management at Paul Sabatier University of Toulouse
    • Master's degree in environmental monitoring and management at Paul Sabatier University of Toulouse

Areas of expertise

physical risks and adaptation

Alice joined the Carbone 4 team in September 2021 as a consultant in the resilience and adaptation unit. Within the team, she specializes in cartography.

Alice has a master's degree in environmental monitoring and management (Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse) and in environmental socio-politics (Université de Sherbrooke, Montréal). Before joining Carbone 4, she worked for two years in an environmental consultancy, assisting public and private clients in the implementation of transition projects (in the energy and construction sectors).