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Carbone 4 Conseil

Internship – Consultant - September 2025
Job start date : 1 September 2025
Senior consultant or project leader - IT and climate
Job start date : 2 September 2024


What is the recruitment process ?

The recruitment process at Carbone 4 is structured as follows:

  • For internships, two interviews: a first one with a short case study and, if the feedback is positive, a second interview involving a more in-depth case study. For information, we do not accept internships of less than 6 months.
  • For permanent contracts, 3 interviews including alternately a short case study, a more advanced case study and role play exercises (project management, customer relations...).
  • For information, we do not accept apprenticeship.
Is Carbone 4 currently recruiting?

Carbone 4 recruits interns every year and occasionally consultants (from young graduates to juniors with 2 years of experience), or even specific profiles: please check the list of positions offered on our website, which is updated regularly.

Unless otherwise mentioned in the description of the ad, the recruitments are proposed for the Paris office.

It is important to note that only applications sent via our website are processed. We do not take into account applications sent by e-mail, and we do not process follow-up e-mails or telephone calls to our switchboard.

What is a typical day for a consultant at Carbone 4?

The career path at Carbone 4 is structured in several grades: Consultant, Experienced Consultant, Senior Consultant, Project Manager, Manager, Principal.

A Consultant at Carbone 4 divides his/her time between :

  • Contribution to the mission: carrying out analyses, producing deliverables, reporting to clients, as part of a project team.
  • Contribution to a Practice (by sector, e.g. Energy, Building, or transverse, e.g. Physical Risks-Adaptation or Strategy) : carrying out of analyses, publication writings.

The diversity of tasks increases as the career path progresses, gradually introducing commercial activity, mission management and staff management.

From the Manager grade onwards, three career paths are available with a focus on :

  • Mission management / sales,
  • Expertise development,
  • Intrapreneurship (development of a new activity for Carbone 4, for example MyCO2 or the Carbone 4 Academy).
What are the essential qualities for such a position?

Rigor, autonomy, management of multiple projects in parallel, oral fluency (especially in a client context), synthesis and quantitative analysis skills.

What are the typical assignments?

Carbone 4 addresses the full spectrum of issues related to climate change and its impacts. The questions we help our clients to answer are :

  • What is my impact on the climate and how can I contribute to limiting global warming to +1.5°C?
    • Typical missions: calculation of carbon footprint, definition of reduction targets compatible with the Paris Agreement, structuring of action plans to reach these targets, identification of performance KPIs, calculation of avoided emissions and sequestered emissions and definition of ambition on these pillars, ...
  • What is the impact of the climate on my activities, how to aim for resilience and how to be an actor in the transition?
    • Typical assignments: identification of physical risks related to climate change and definition of adaptation strategies, quantification of business risks and opportunities related to the low-carbon transition via scenario analysis and definition of a resilient business strategy.
  • Carbone 4 also carries out other types of missions:
    • Development of methodologies,
    • Due-diligence for financial actors,
    • Technical and economic analyses on various subjects (energy, mobility, buildings, industry, etc.),
    • Training and awareness-raising.
Do Carbone 4's missions have an impact ?

At Carbone 4, our deepest ambition is to solve this man-made climate crisis. To do so, we help our clients to take the measure of the challenge posed by climate change, and then become actors who contribute to the emergence of a low-carbon world.

In order to bring our clients to make a strong and sincere commitment to this low-carbon transformation of our societies, we rely on strong values of rigor and humility, with sometimes a touch of impertinence. We are extremely vigilant about attempts at greenwashing and refuse any type of mission or exploitation of our work that could come close to it.

Carbone 4's staff members are constantly seeking to provide our clients with the most relevant decision-making elements to catalyze the steps towards their low-carbon transformation.

We also try to increase our impact through a sustained publication activity.

We seek to have the greatest possible impact on the low-carbon transformation of our societies through the decisions we help our clients make, and through our contribution to the public debate via our publications. However, we remain a consulting company, with an inherent limit to this profession that must be kept in mind: we do not make the final decision!